Thursday, May 19, 2011

Please!! Do not use that 4 letter word!!!

WORK!!!! There I said it! This is worse than a swear word to many you might think I am overstating it. Not all artists are lazy! I am not saying that artists are lazy at all (Well than Kevin, what are you saying??) Thanks for asking!!

I work with artist's that are signed to a major label, have #1 hits, and are just starting out...and the same issues are there. They often think they are working, but they are focused on what they like...They love to "work" on the music, the chords, the beat, the tempo, the lyrics...the MUSIC...Artist's often think they are working...but when you cut through all the smoke and mirrors you find they are continuing to "work" on what they like...not what they need! The tedious nature of repeating and going over the same thing and making sure the entire band knows their roles, their placements, the arrangement change...this is the WORK!! Once you are happy with your show...once you think you like the live arrangement of the tunes and how it is now need to play the show in rehearsal...10, 20, 50 times!! This needs to become second nature. This kind of rehearsal is called "muscle memory". When the nerves kick in, and when the monitors go down, when the lights don't work, when you lose focus you need to have your muscle memory. You need to build a show that will play itself! If you know the show cold, when you have a bad day, the show will still work, because your muscle memory will take over! If you have a great show, but dont work it until it becomes second nature...when the nerves kick in you will return to what you always did.

I know this sounds like a blanket statement, and it can also sound a little harsh. I do not mean to be unkind, but I want to shed the myth. The MUSIC is not the only thing...The music needs to be communicated. The best band in the world playing the best music - without focusing on how it is "landing" on the audience will not be heard by the masses. In fact, the only people that get that kind of other musicians - and we all know that they never buy your music or pay to see you perform!!

Now let me clarify...The music is VERY important, the ability to play is VERY important...BUT the MOST IMPORTANT THING = did the audience get it!!!

So, once you know the music, you have to spend time WORKING on the show!! Rehearsal must take on a new look. Watch the Tom Jackson Videos

You need to take the time to rehearse the show, not just the songs. If you do have great musicianship, and great songs...combined with a GREAT show...this will equal - UNSTOPPABLE!!

Work on your show...Work on your show!!! Create moments and make fans...THAT IS THE RIGHT THING TO WORK ON!!

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