Wednesday, May 25, 2011

DUDE, but we Rock!!!

If I had a quarter for every time I heard that!!

The majority of bands think that unbridled energy equals a great show. What they do not see is the impact on the audience. To take your show to the "next level" you need to understand what is happening to the audience during your show. You need to give them what they want and set them up for the big payoff. We often give them everything we got in the first 3 songs. After the 3rd song, if the audience left, they would have missed nothing!!

It doesn't matter what type of music you play. It doesn't matter the age demographics of your audience. You cannot play every song the same way...they don't sound the same, therefore they should not look the same!! (Tom Jackson)

We need to get creative. We need to think about timing. When do you come forward and give the audience everything you got and put pressure on them? When do you let a song "simmer" and allow the audience to anticipate what is next? When is ok for unbridled energy to rule the stage...and when is standing completely still appropriate???

Tough questions...These questions can be answered better with direction. This will start to take form once you truly have a vision for your show!! You need to get this DVD series from Tom called 7 DEADLY SINS

Purchase this DVD Series and it will change the way you approach the show. You need to catch a vision...understand how to make your show more than crazy energy. Learn to pour your heart and soul into your craft, in a way that communicates to your audience. In a way your audience wants to be communicated to!!

Don't be satisfied with being loud and crazy!!! Take time, invest in your music, and become a band with a purpose and vision!! Your product sales will increase and you will create FANS everywhere you go!!!


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